
About the Options dialog.

Another brand new look for Selida 2 is the options dialogue. In previous version, V1.x we used an options menu instead. However, as Selida grew, it was necessary to accommodate this growth by designing the options dialogue.

Using the options dialog

To navigate within the options dialogue, the Dialogue Tree is used. When you click on an item, the right portion is updated.
The parts within the dialogue are:

The different parts in the dialog


Word Wrap


Syntax language


Reset Settings


Refresh browser


Insert closing tag


This command sets up how Selida will start. Default startup is 'Start a new HTML Document'


Type the directory and name to your favorite browsers. The browser can be launced from:
Tools -> View page in Browser in the main window. Selida 2 can also search for browsers that are stored on your hard drive, by pressing the icon of the browser you want it to search for. It may take a few moments to search the first time, however, it is much faster the next time.


This feature will change the case (upper/lower), that the tags will be inserted. Default is lower case.

Reset Settings

Use this feature to reset filelists, recently used files or reset all the settings.


This sets the syntax colors for the editors.


Sets the font and its charecteristics to be used in the editor.

Word Wrap

Word Wrap Turns Word Wrap on or off. Default is off.

Syntax Language

This will change the way the syntax highlighter colorizes your document. Default is HTML.


If you want Selida to autocomplete your HTML code.


This is a very handy function - activate autosave and your document is saved with every keystroke !

Refresh Browser

This selects the refresh rate of the browser while you are in Split Mode. It will update the information in intervals you have chosen. It can also be turned off.

Insert Closetag

Selida 2 will insert the ending tag when you insert the start tag when this is used.
Such as:
You type the start tag - <B> and Selida will insert the end tag </B>.


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